First off, HAPPY MOTHERS DAY to all of those awesome
moms/grandmoms/great grandmums and so on!!!!
I had an awesome time talking to you guys too, one of the
best day's of the year!!!! It feels like I just talked to you guys yesterday!
Cool story, we finally got an online referal who wanted a
book of mormon! She also said that she is willing to learn more! Somthing you
always want to hear especially down here in Pearson, so we got pretty excited,
but when we put the address into Google it didn't show up!! But we didn't give
up! haha! We went to city hall and asked for a map, they gave us one, which
also didn't have the street we were looking for! But the lady suggested that we
go accross the street to a building that would have a map of the county, so we
did, and a member was working there! She gave a map and helped us find the
street we were looking for! It was out in the boonies.... haha! So we went and
found it, but she wasn't home, so we decided to come back after interviews up in
Douglas. When we came back she still wasn't home so we decided to knock some
other doors on the street, and we ran into her sister who knew that we were
looking for, so she pointed us to a house at the end of the road and as we
started walking towards it a lady came out and it was her! So we gave her a
Book of Mormon, and taught her the restoration, she really liked it! Anyways
just a cool story.
In Church we had a lesson on the Book of Mormon and how as
members of this church need a testimony of the truthfulness of it! And the only
way to find out is to earnestly read and pray about it! I can bear wittness
that it is true and nothing can or will change that knowlege in me!!
I love you guys and hope you are doing awesome!!
Elder Allen
Mothers Day
I met spiderman on the streets of Douglas last Pday!